Let sound speak. Let sound silent. Sound acts on the stage. Listen! The air is speaking.
Composer, Poet, Director
My first work is Macbeth. I met the director Alexander Zeldin in Korea. I had trained there as an actor and he found my talent as a composer; he took me also as a director though
. He found me. That is my first job for the theater. As a composer, I felt my music weaves the all thread of component in the theater into the text.Not only in the theater, people have power. My mission is amplifying the power of all lives in this world by the sound. As he found me, I hope I shall find someone.
2011 May : The Ugly One (Best 3 in Korea)
2013 April : The Golden Dragon (Best 7 in Korea)
The rain sound Alex heard and I was found; found as a director. Do you find me?
I like to make my music weave the threads of voices in the world into the texts.
【インドネシア】Adif, an university student and a Reog player in Solo, from Wonogiri [1/16]
【インドネシア】Aji, university student studying "Karawitan" in Jogja in Jawa [2/16]
【インドネシア】Enka, an artist at Kedai Kebun Art Forum in Jogja [4/16]
【インドネシア】Abdi, an artist, director, organizer, manager and actor in Makassar in Sulawesi [5/16]
【インドネシア】Kindergarten (TK), in Makassar [6/16]
【インドネシア】Panti Asuhan1 (an orphanage) in Jogja [7/16]
【インドネシア】Panti Asuhan2 (an orphanage) in Jogja [8/16]
【インドネシア】Panti Asuhan3 (an orphanage) in Jogja [9/16]
【インドネシア】[Salam] Sekolah Alam (Alternative school) in Jogja [10/16]02
【インドネシア】[Cemeti Art House] in Jogja [11/16]
【インドネシア】[SLBA Yaketunis] a school for the blind in Jogja [12/16]
【インドネシア】[Ruang MES56] A Cooperative Space for Art Et Cetera in Jogja [13/16]
【インドネシア】How to use "Sarong", traditional fabric in Indonesia by Icha, a dancer in Makassar [14/16]
【インドネシア】How to use "Sarong", traditional fabric in Indonesia by Jumaris, a dancer [15/16]